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Prof. Han Wang from Xiamen University Malaysia invited to give an academic lecture
2023-11-20 15:16  

On November 14, 2023, Prof. Han Wang, aninternationalexpert in artificial intelligence and robotics at Xiamen University Malaysia, was invited to give an academic lecture for the graduate students and teachers of School of Automation at Room104 of Information Building.Shiqi Jiang, director of the International Joint Research Center for Robots and Intelligent Systems, presided over the meeting.

The theme of this lecture is "How to estimate robot ego motion?". This lecture presented state of art solutions to solve the robot motion problem using image sequence taken from cameras mounted on the robot. Prof.Wang first explained the mathematical principles of the SVD solution using point clouds to the teachers and students. Then, by extension, he proposedthe quaternion solution of rotation from image points. Finally, he used a number of videos to show the audience multiple successful application cases of this technology. The interactive atmosphere of the scene was relaxed and warm.

After the lecture, Prof.Wang visited the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory for technical guidance and on-site communication with the teachers. Through this visit, the School of Automation and Prof. Wang discussed a variety of possibilities for future cooperation.

Prof.HanWang‘s brief CV

Professor Wang has been teaching at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore for over 30 years and is currently the Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering and Artificial Intelligence at Xiamen University Malaysia. His research interests include computer vision, artificial intelligence, and robotics. He has authored or co-authored more than 120 high-quality international conference and journal papers.

International Joint Research Center of Robots and Intelligent Systems


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